Understand all the details of your treadmill before trying to heave it to your basement Note down the various dimensions and try to gauge the approximate weight of the treadmill. Even if you can lift it by yourself, remember you have to move it quite a ways and won't always be able to maintain the ideal grip on it to transfer it to its new spot on your own. Once you find the manual, identify the parts of the treadmill that are fragile or sensitive and require the most care (such as the motor assembly and display system). After reading the manual, you'll have a better idea of how many people you'll need to help you out.
Disassemble, if possible
Disassembling and treadmill moving is far easier than trying to transport the whole thing. While it may take a while to take it apart and set it all up again, it does make the move way easier. Your owner's manual should provide with the instructions or if it's a more recent model, you'll be able to find a digital manual easily on the Internet. Understand the process completely before going ahead with it. You should also know how to reassemble the treadmill once you have moved it. You don't want to accidentally damage some parts because you didn't know how to put it back together.
Clear the space
Ensure that the space you intend to place the treadmill is clear and ready. Remove any and all obstacles between the treadmill's current and final location. Ensure that you have a reasonably close by plug point in the area where you intend to keep the treadmill. Clean the new site and ensure that it is dirt free before the move.
Ask for help
Most people will need some help to move a treadmill, even if you have disassembled the machine beforehand. There's no harm in asking for help if you need it (that's what friends are for after all). Going solo, even if it possible, increases the risk of hurting yourself, damaging the equipment or even your home if you lose your balance or even just bump into a corner really hard. Heavy equipment is best moved by multiple people to reduce the risks associated with it. You should also remember to use proper lifting techniques while moving the individual components or the whole piece to reduce the chances of pulling a muscle.
Treadmill Moving Help
If you’re in the Baltimore, Washington, D.C. or Virginia areas and looking for a professional treadmill service company, get in touch . At Treadmills Installers, we specialize in helping families install treadmills machines in their home gyms. Our expert staff is sure to have your new equipment installed quickly and safely!